Internal / Management audits: The Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003 requires the statutory auditor of certain companies to comment on the adequacy or otherwise of the internal audit system prevailing, in his report on the auditee company’s annual financial statements to its share holders.
Leaving aside the said regulatory aspect, all enlightened managements need pro-active and periodical internal audit of its books of account, records etc to ensure integrity of the same, build mechanisms to detect fraud and irregularities as well as to create early warning mechanisms to identify deficiencies, failures & short comings in its internal control systems, regulatory compliance, areas of leakage of revenue etc.
At times, management want special audits carried out in specific areas to address known or anticipated problems or shortcomings.
Our audit program and techniques are customized to client requirements. The scope of the audit is defined keeping in mind extant internal controls and is carried out with specific emphasis on improvement of operational efficiency.
Project audits: Project audits are carried out in a phased manner, right from planning to execution phase, where each milestone is assessed/ reviewed for the inputs (cost, material etc) and the outcome of each phase is audited, with the budget slab.
Risk assessment / reviews: Risk analyses are carried out during every phase of a business process and consequential risk factors envisaged are duly studied, documented and different risk mitigation steps are analyzed, evaluated and best course of action recommended.